From Schrodinger's Cat To The Three-Body Problem

Published: 16 Sep 2015 Category:

From Schrodinger’s Cat To The Three-Body Problem: How I Think About Life

I read The Three-Body Problem in 2011. It is a fiction novel trilogy titled Remembrance of Earth’s Past, and I borrowed the last one The Three-Body Problem: The Immortal Death from my roommate when it has just been published. It was a one-day trip of train in early winter of south China. I didn’t felt any special at the beginning of reading - maybe it was because the author’s style of plain text - but when I reached the end of the whole story, I was some kind of shocked. I was most impressed by the description plot: before the earth was destroyed by aliens, human survivors were evacuated by spaceships and flew away. The spaceship flew at sub-light speed, and when they looked back at the earth, millions of years passed.

We tiny humans are so insignificant when compared to this larger time scales. But we always can’t stop focusing on those little things - fear, inferiority, self-accusation. They always upset me.