Collections About HackNews @2016/05/21 22:18

Published: 21 May 2016 Category: reading_and_thoughts

There are some collections about HackNews,which I think very usefully.

  1. 爱好者自定义的hacker news站点,也很有趣:,与原站点遥相呼应,关键是,它还对hacknews进行了归类,打tag

  2. , 各样字体下载

  3. 推荐一款:selfcontrol 工具,使用该工具可以让你集中注意力,用户自定义某些软件断网,锁定,并且只有在一定时间后解锁, lets you block your own access to distracting websites, your mail servers, or anything else on the Internet.Just set a period of time to block for, add sites to your blacklist, and click “Start.”。

  4. ‘NewCrawler(鸟巢采集器) - Free Web Scraping Tool’ O网页链接 GitHub: O网页链接

  5. 将图片转换成具有艺术风格 论文 ,github:

  6. nigit:将命令行工具,一web服务的方式暴露给其他用户,, Expose a program with a simple call to nigit

  7. 一个类似于hacker news站点的程序员爱好站点:,涵盖cs,database,machine learing,linux

  8. sigrok,信号处理开源软件,The sigrok project aims at creating a portable, cross-platform, Free/Libre/Open-Source signal analysis software suite.

  9. golang smtp:实现发送邮件协议,golang smtp server that just writes every incoming email to a text file. , 同时作者还实现了一个ftp服务paradise_ftp:paradise_ftp is a powerful, 100% native (golang) ftp server that is production ready.

  10. google code 2016入选列表,祝贺入选项目,,

  11. shogun机器学习工具包,Shogun - A Large Scale Machine Learning Toolbox:

  12. Opera dmg direct download links (OS X), (1)stable (2)beta (3)dev

  13. ios 模仿鱼冒泡的库,An Objective-C animation library used to create floating image views.oc代码:

  14. 新的产品,例如苹果系列,基本上都是一年更新一次,每次新发布会都充满了好奇,激动,但是值不值得买呢?Not Buying It,The quest for a latest-and-greatest-itis cure…

  15. 用于训练舞蹈的深度学习DNN,

  16. 怎么样设置一个应用,使其系统开机时启动,通常想到的是创建cron任务,但是还有其他更好的方式,Run your programs at startup on Unix distributions,

  17. Opera VPN 是什么鬼?只是一个porxy而已:

  18. 经典街机游戏OS X模拟器,Retro video game emulation for OS X, github:

  19. 可移植的GUI库,ImGui[ Immediate Mode GUI] is a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++。 Builded from sources (tested on Windows/Mac/Linux.

  20. Using Doom as a tool for system administration,将DOOM游戏中作为一个系统管理员工具,

  21. 一个外国人眼中的Dafen Oil Painting Village 深圳大芬油画村 The Chaos and the Craftsmanship of Shenzhen (

  22. findpaperwelove,!/ 查找用户喜爱的论文。

  23. linux内核揭秘,

  24. hacknews 跨平台客户端,支持linux,windows,mac,,还支持各种快捷键。

  25. 一款开源的mac os x,swift markedit编辑器,markoff:

  26. linux下类似mac os x的开源触摸板程序:

  27. 从命令行执行Objective-c 脚本(Run Objective-C source code from terminal.):Tricertops/Objective-Script,github:

  28. 机器学习:Machine Learning for Artists (,

  29. 马尔科夫链,蒙特卡洛算法代码示例:Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling ( . from:ALEXANDER GALEA’S BLOG[Python, science, stats] blog

  30. 基于nodejs ,linux平台下的slack客户端:A Slack client for Linux. Install with npm. Works with Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, CentOS, Debian etc。

  31. Xamarin open source:Xamarin Open-Sourced (

  32. datatau一个类似于hacker news的信息站点,,ios客户端:

  33. grep命令使用:,linux shell command 命令tutorial:

  34. try!swift 会议网站代码:try! Swift conference site,github:

  35. 统计机器学习by CMU:”Statistical Machine Learning 10-702/36-702, Spring 2016, CMU” by Larry Wasserman O网页链接 video:O网页链接 云:O网页链接:, 课程主页:

  36.,opensource postgreSQL客户启动管理工具:

  37. LED控制器(analog RGB LED strips),Arduino,Show HN: LuxBase – Open-Source Smart Lighting Control System (,github:

  38. Bilibili视频直播框架:ijkplayer,github地址:,接入iOS教程:

  39. iTunes课程,How to Start a Startup:

  40. iTunes课程:Developing iOS 9 Apps with Swift, 地址:

  41. 开发mac os x桌面应用教程:

  42. Flask开发教程,基于python 3:

  43. tvos开源项目,github:jameseunson/twitchy。tvOS Client for

  44. 致力于提供安全邮件Lavabit宣布开源,github提供其服务器代码: Lavabit, newly famous for being the secure e-mail service used by the National。gitbub:

  45. reddit数据集,内容包括~ 1.7 billion comments @ 250 GB compressed. bz2压缩文件5.08G,This will give you guys an opportunity to examine the data. The file is structured with JSON blocks delimited by new lines (\n).磁力下载链接:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:7690f71ea949b868080401c749e878f98de34d3d&dn=reddit%5Fdata& (从2007-2015年),数据处理工具:

  46. 中华经典诗文演义正义:,台湾版。

  47. MenuMeters is a set of CPU, memory, disk, and network monitoring tools for Mac OS X.OS X性能监控工具,git地址:,介绍地址:, 最新代码:

  48. product hunt Mac OS X客户端:The best new products, every day on Mac.github:

  49. Mac screensaver一款倒计时的mac app,Mac screensaver for counting down to a date.

  50. Free Angular Bootstrap Admin Dashboard,一款bootsrap,angularjs的后台dashboard主题:

  51. gentelella 一款开源的 Bootstrap 3 管理员面板, Demo 地址:,代码:

  52. C语言,内联汇编:

  53. golang,微服务框架:A standard library for microservices.

  54. 学习黑客方面的资料书籍汇总:Humble Book Bundle: Hacking Presented by No Starch Press (。website:

  55. 电子书网站:,提供mobi,pdf,epub

  56. ZKInspector 可折叠的视图,类似Xcode中属性面板,github: .from weibo @剑指人心

  57. 《内核恐慌》(Kernel Panic) 是由 IPN 出品、吴涛和 Rio 做的播客。中文技术类podcast,目前国内较少的podcast主播栏目:

  58. 惊的速记mac app:。Notational Velocity: modeless, mouseless Mac OS X note-taking application

  59. 编译系统:Ninja:Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed.github地址:

  60. #Mac Opensource##Mac开源软件#  OSX 上一款轻量级To Do List 客户端,界面优美值得学习!  O网页链接    mac appstore下载 O网页链接

  61. 机器学习会议ICLR 2016 论文的代码集合:O网页链接 感觉好彪悍呀,

  62. Mac-T3Xpander: Mac-T3Xpander is an OSX/Cocoa drag ‘n drop utility for expanding t3x files. T3x files are used in TYPO3 to pack and distribute TYPO3 extensions. github:

  63. A simple showcase how to create a simple OS X app in plain C without any Objective-C。github:

  64. angular2 style,angular2编码规范:

  65. Toil:python工作流a workflow engine entirely written in Python.pip地址:

  66. Show HN: Go Actor Model, fast distributed actors for Golang (,地址:,actor模式主要在java运用的比较多

  67. Understanding the bin, sbin, usr/bin , usr/sbin split,理解bin, sbin,usr/bin,usr/sbin 目录的区别,from: hn:

  68. beltex/dshb, OSX系统自带的系统监控工具(mac os x源码分析),from github:

  69. NCurses!:Text mode programming ain’t dead yet! 一款控制台字符输出编程工具库,同时作者出了一本书籍The Programmer’s Guide to NCurses。地址:,gnu ncurses 6.0:

  70. 一款是的Android支持iMessage的应用,github:

  71. pirate/security-growler,:satellite: A Mac menubar app that notifies you whenever SSH, VNC, sudo, or other auth events occur. ,github:

  72. 一款跨平台笔记应用:Note taking application, write down your thoughts.仓库地址:,介绍地址:!contribute/cve1

  73. 在mac menu bar 上显示日历:Itsycal is a tiny calendar for your Mac’s menu bar.,github:

  74. 将bing壁纸作为mac 电脑的壁纸mac app:

  75. MacReFlower:mac端,pdf2kindle 裁剪软件,open source: , @剑指人心

  76. mac下的鼠标手势软件:Global mouse gesture for OS X , @剑指人心

  77. 吉卜力动画无偿公开制作软件OpenToonz 动画(2D)迷有望自己做大片,

  78. MANUSKRIPT:Free #Scrivener #OpenSource alternative for Win/Mac @olkesh #writing #writer #writingtools 手稿书籍编辑器

  79. copyQ跨平台开源剪贴增强工具,reddit:; github:

  80. OctoMouse is a free and open-source application for MAC OSX that measures your mouse and keyboard activities. It is developed using Xcode and Cocoa framework in Objective-C.

  81. A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for C++, include actor library, network library,can be used as a real time multiplayer game engine ( MMO RPG ), which plan to support C#/Python/Lua script, and support Unity3d, Cocos2dx, FlashAir client access. sourcecode:

  82. 怎么样制作一款menubar的os x的应用,stackoverflow:,Answer:Popup:, 可喜的是stackoverflow还提供了其他开源demo

  83. 分布式机器学习课程:Distributed machine learning with communication constraints,书籍:、

  84. 国内视频下载工具,支持linux,win,mac os x:,度盘:

  85. 极其轻量级录屏软件:LICEcap #Windows #Mac 极轻量级、使用上也非常简单的的录屏软件,可以转成 GPF、可以随时暂停/重新录制。, github:,录制好后保存成gif

  86. 分级导航视图的例子mac os x ,

  87. 干货集中营,,mac OS X客户端:,干货集中营主要分析一些移动开发方面的干货(。

  88. ios,side menu 控件:Animated side menu with customizable UI, (swift)

  89. ios k线图,github:

  90. 中文版ios weekly:,当前未更新

  91. 汇编语言基础教程x86,,参考文献中相关课程:

  92. 国内高等学校名单库:,全国高等学校共计 2845 所,其中:普通高等学校 2553 所(含独立设置民办普通高校 447 所,独立学院 275 所,中外合作办学 7 所),成人高等学校 292 所(json格式)

  93. 开源电商Android app:,简介:,有Android端,ios端,并且提供各类模板以供用户更改(MIT licence)

  94. h5微信宣传类app模板:wechat-h5-boilerplate,

  95. Mononoki – A Font for Programming and Code Review (,site:,github:

  96. rainyear/tornado-mvc,Tornado x MVC,from :

  97. 节操出精品:hashids-java,id生成器,让你不再使用诸如1,2,3,4这样low逼的id,github:,from:

  98. Visual Python profiler,python程序性能分析r热图显示插件,from github,nvdv/vprof,

  99. x64dbg: x86/x64 windows debugger开源windows debug调试器,,github:

  100. 编写linux工具,shell脚本编程的一些建议,from,

  101. Sentry 是一个实时的事件日志和聚合平台,基于 Django 构建。

  102. TACTIC,基于web项目资产管理软件,可定制二次开发,可以满足小型,中型团队,公司的需求 基于zookeeper+quartz/spring task的分布式任务调度组件

  103. libui: a portable GUI library for C,
