Asking for them, being a student all the way your life
Asking for them, being a student all the way your life
When I met my mentor I wasn’t impressed by his elegant office, bookshelf,or even how he managed tens of people.
Now, I was impressed by how humble he was and how many question he keep asking us,liking me his students.
Sometimes, I thought to myself: Here is a guy who’s knowledgeable,established,has car,house,almost anything-and he sometimes asking someting my opinion? what the hell do I know?
At first, I thought he was just like trying to do not let me be cautious, and let me feel important, which is a very common strategy that some people use to influence people.
So about three years after, I finally aksed him: “why do you sometimes ask everyone for their opinion and device? You’re so Knowledgeable.”
He replyed:”I don’t know who said it, he mest be a smart man , but it goest something like this: The secret of a successful man is that he always sees himself as a student who learns from other people.”
It finally clicked. My mentor is successful because he always saw himself as a student.Even after he had “made” it.
there many times wo saw that, once people achieve a certain level, they seldomly talk with people who “below” them; let alone asking them for chating.
I am lucky to that I have beening meet mentor like this , I “copy” this good habit with my life, Thanks for being able to gain invaluable experience over the three year.
Thanks this unforgettable habbit stand by me all the way